Uso de tecnologías alternativas en el mejoramiento de las propiedades físico-mecánicas de áridos reciclados
García Hernández, Liset
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad el estudio del comportamiento de hormigones
hidráulicos empleando la adición mineral LC 2 como suplemento al cemento Portland y un
100% de áridos reciclados con encapsulado de su fracción gruesa (5-10 mm) y curado al
vapor. Para ello se caracterizan los materiales a emplear, considerando, en el caso de los
áridos, por la NC 251:2013 “Áridos para hormigones hidráulicos. Requisitosˮ, así como otras
normas internacionales. El objetivo de encapsular la fracción de 5-10 mm es proveer al
material de una fina capa que lo recubra superficialmente y disminuya la porosidad y, a su
vez, la demanda de agua. El curado de la fracción encapsulada se realiza utilizando dos
métodos: curado al vapor y curado manual. Fueron elaboradas un total de dos mezclas de
hormigón correspondientes a cada uno de los métodos de curado. En ambas, el cemento P-
35 se sustituye en un 50 % por la adición LC 2. A ambas mezclas se le realizan ensayos de
asentamiento por el cono de Abrams y resistencia a compresión a los 7 y 28 días. Estos
ensayos son realizados según las normas cubanas vigentes para hormigones hidráulicos. Los
resultados muestran que la técnica de encapsulación representa un procedimiento viable, ya
que se logra disminuir hasta en un 31,4% la absorción con respecto al árido sin encapsular.
Para ambas mezclas se obtienen valores de resistencia inferiores a los 20 MPa a la edad de
28 días de curado, siendo recomendado su uso en la construcción de elementos no
Palabras claves: áridos reciclados; adición LC2; encapsulamiento; curado
The present research has as purpose the study of the behavior of hydraulic concretes using the mineral addition LC2 like supplement to the cement Portland and 100% of arid recycled with having encapsulated of its thick fraction (5-10 mm) and cured to the vapor. For they are characterized it the materials to use, considering, in the case of the arid ones, by the NC 251:2013 "Arid for hydraulic concretes. Requirements ”, as well as other international standards. The objective of encapsulating the fraction of 5-10 mm is provide to the material of a fine layer that it recovers it superficially and do diminish the porosity and, in turn, the demand of water. The cured of the encapsulated fraction is carried out using two methods: cured to the vapor and cured manual. They were elaborated a total of two concrete mixtures corresponding to each one of the methods of cured. In both, the cement P-35 is substitute in 50% for the addition LC2. To both mixtures they are carried out establishment rehearsals by the cone of Abrams and resistance to compression to the 7 and 28 days. These rehearsals are carried out according to the Cuban norms for hydraulic concretes. The results show that the encapsulation technique represents a viable procedure, since it is possible to diminish until in 31,4 % the absorption with regard to the arid one without encapsulate. For both mixtures inferior resistance values are obtained the 20 MPa to the age of 28 days of cured, being recommended its use in the construction of non-structural elements. Keywords: recycled arid; addition LC2; encapsulation; cured
The present research has as purpose the study of the behavior of hydraulic concretes using the mineral addition LC2 like supplement to the cement Portland and 100% of arid recycled with having encapsulated of its thick fraction (5-10 mm) and cured to the vapor. For they are characterized it the materials to use, considering, in the case of the arid ones, by the NC 251:2013 "Arid for hydraulic concretes. Requirements ”, as well as other international standards. The objective of encapsulating the fraction of 5-10 mm is provide to the material of a fine layer that it recovers it superficially and do diminish the porosity and, in turn, the demand of water. The cured of the encapsulated fraction is carried out using two methods: cured to the vapor and cured manual. They were elaborated a total of two concrete mixtures corresponding to each one of the methods of cured. In both, the cement P-35 is substitute in 50% for the addition LC2. To both mixtures they are carried out establishment rehearsals by the cone of Abrams and resistance to compression to the 7 and 28 days. These rehearsals are carried out according to the Cuban norms for hydraulic concretes. The results show that the encapsulation technique represents a viable procedure, since it is possible to diminish until in 31,4 % the absorption with regard to the arid one without encapsulate. For both mixtures inferior resistance values are obtained the 20 MPa to the age of 28 days of cured, being recommended its use in the construction of non-structural elements. Keywords: recycled arid; addition LC2; encapsulation; cured
Palabras clave
Aridos Reciclados, Adición LC 2, Encapsulamiento, Curado, Recycled Arid, Addition LC2, Encapsulation, Cured