Estudio de la durabilidad de especímenes de hormigón elaborados con áridos reciclados encapsulados
Rey Galeto, Ángel Fernando
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
A nivel mundial el reciclaje ha tomado tremenda importancia, donde son cada vez más
los países que se insertan en tomar medidas respecto al tema. El sector de la
construcción, uno de los más importantes de nuestra sociedad, no ha quedado fuera. Al
reciclar estamos reduciendo recursos no renovables que se encuentran en agotamiento
así como la cantidad de residuos que se acumulan en los vertederos. Los áridos
reciclados se han convertido en una alternativa para la fabricación de hormigones. En
el trabajo que se presenta a continuación se evalúa el comportamiento de hormigones
elaborados con 100% de áridos reciclados, sometidos a un proceso de encapsulamiento
en la fracción de 5-9 mm con cemento. Además se comparan con hormigones
elaborados con 100% de áridos naturales, ambos amasados con cemento Portland P35
y expuestos en sitios de exposición de diferentes agresividades. En esta investigación
se ha demostrado que las propiedades de los hormigones elaborados con áridos
reciclados encapsulados tienen mejor comportamiento que los hormigones sin
tratamiento. Los resultados indican que la aplicación de dichos hormigones es viable en
ambientes de baja agresividad.
Recycling worldwide has taken tremendous importance, where more and more countries are inserted to take action on the subject. The construction sector, one of the most important in our society, has not been exempt. By recycling non-renewable resources which are in depletion can be reduced as well as the amount of waste which accumulates in landfills. Recycled aggregates have become an alternative for the manufacture of concrete. In the present work, the durability behavior of concretes made with 100% recycled aggregates, subjected to an encapsulation process in the fraction of 5-9 mm with cement is evaluated and has been compared with concretes made with 100% natural aggregates, both elaborated with Ordinary Portland Cement P35 and placed in exposure sites of different aggressiveness. This investigation demonstrate that the properties of concretes produced with encapsulated recycled aggregates behave in a better way than without this treatment. The results point out that its application is feasible in environments with low aggressiveness.
Recycling worldwide has taken tremendous importance, where more and more countries are inserted to take action on the subject. The construction sector, one of the most important in our society, has not been exempt. By recycling non-renewable resources which are in depletion can be reduced as well as the amount of waste which accumulates in landfills. Recycled aggregates have become an alternative for the manufacture of concrete. In the present work, the durability behavior of concretes made with 100% recycled aggregates, subjected to an encapsulation process in the fraction of 5-9 mm with cement is evaluated and has been compared with concretes made with 100% natural aggregates, both elaborated with Ordinary Portland Cement P35 and placed in exposure sites of different aggressiveness. This investigation demonstrate that the properties of concretes produced with encapsulated recycled aggregates behave in a better way than without this treatment. The results point out that its application is feasible in environments with low aggressiveness.
Palabras clave
Durabilidad, Hormigones, Áridos naturales, Áridos reciclados encapsulados