Uso de áridos reciclados en morteros de albañilería
Asenjo Capote, Roxana
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
La presente investigación pretende evaluar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de morteros de albañilería elaborados con áridos reciclados. Para ello se caracterizan los materiales a emplear y se toma como referencia las normas cubanas correspondientes, y se aplica la técnica de pre-saturación manual de la fracción fina de árido reciclado. El objetivo de aplicar dicha técnica es saturar la arena reciclada para que no afecte la relación a/c de las mezclas. Fueron elaboradas dos series de morteros, una con cemento Portland P-35 y otra con la adición mineral LC2. Las dosificaciones de las mezclas fueron obtenidas por el Método del Nomograma, dando como resultado un total de 3 combinaciones posibles para sustituir la arena natural por reciclada. A todas las mezclas se le realizan los ensayos de consistencia, resistencia a compresión a las edades de 3, 7 y 28 días, y la absorción de agua pasado los 28 días. Los resultados muestran que la técnica de pre-saturación disminuye significativamente la absorción de agua de la arena reciclada. Los valores de resistencia a compresión demuestran que las probetas de P-35 tienen un mejor comportamiento que las de LC3, llegando a alcanzar a los 28 días hasta 33 MPa para la combinación 3 (áridos reciclados 25% y áridos naturales 75%), pues contempla menor contenido de material reciclado. Un comportamiento similar se manifiesta en la propiedad de absorción de agua por capilaridad, alcanzando el menor valor (0,69 g/cm2) la combinación 3 que contempla en su uso cemento P-35.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the physical-mechanical properties of masonry mortars made with recycled aggregates. For this purpose, the materials to be used are characterized and the corresponding Cuban Standards are taken as reference, and the manual technique of pre-saturation of the fine fraction of recycled aggregate is applied. The objective of applying this technique is to saturate the recycled sand so that it does not affect the relationship water/cement of the mixtures. Two series of mortars were prepared, one with cement Portland P-35 and the other with the addition of LC2 minerals. The doses of the mixtures were obtained by means of the Nomogram Method, which resulted in a total of 3 possible combinations to replace the natural sand with recycled. All mixtures are tested to determine their consistency, resistance to compression at ages 3, 7 and 28 days, and water absorption after 28 days. The results show that the pre-saturation technique significantly decreases the water absorption of the recycled sand. The compressive strength values show that the samples of P-35 have a better performance than those of LC3, reaching 28 days up to 33 MPa for the combination 3 (recycled aggregates 25% and natural aggregates 75%), that it contemplates a lower content of recycled material. A similar behavior is manifested in the property of water absorption by capillarity, reaching the lowest value (0.69 g/cm2) the combination 3 that includes in its use P-35 cement.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the physical-mechanical properties of masonry mortars made with recycled aggregates. For this purpose, the materials to be used are characterized and the corresponding Cuban Standards are taken as reference, and the manual technique of pre-saturation of the fine fraction of recycled aggregate is applied. The objective of applying this technique is to saturate the recycled sand so that it does not affect the relationship water/cement of the mixtures. Two series of mortars were prepared, one with cement Portland P-35 and the other with the addition of LC2 minerals. The doses of the mixtures were obtained by means of the Nomogram Method, which resulted in a total of 3 possible combinations to replace the natural sand with recycled. All mixtures are tested to determine their consistency, resistance to compression at ages 3, 7 and 28 days, and water absorption after 28 days. The results show that the pre-saturation technique significantly decreases the water absorption of the recycled sand. The compressive strength values show that the samples of P-35 have a better performance than those of LC3, reaching 28 days up to 33 MPa for the combination 3 (recycled aggregates 25% and natural aggregates 75%), that it contemplates a lower content of recycled material. A similar behavior is manifested in the property of water absorption by capillarity, reaching the lowest value (0.69 g/cm2) the combination 3 that includes in its use P-35 cement.
Palabras clave
Morteros, Áridos reciclados, Áridos naturales, Pre-saturación, Adición mineral LC2, Dosificaciones