Arvenses presentes en cultivo del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris) de siembra intermedia y su influencia en el rendimiento agrícola




Martínez Campos, Pedro
Haramboure Camacho, Olga Lidia
Gil Díaz, Víctor Daniel
Montes de Oca Fuentes, Manuel Emilio
Rodríguez Seijo, Isbel

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La selección de variedades de frijol tolerantes a la sequía puede constituir una estrategia que permita minimizar el efecto del déficit hídrico sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del grano. Con el objetivo de seleccionar variedades más tolerantes al déficit hídrico, se realizó un experimento en la finca Sabanilla de la Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios (CCS) "Sabino Pupo", Unión de Reyes. Se evaluaron las características fenológicas e indicadores de rendimiento de ocho variedades de frijol común (CC 25-9 R, BAT 58, Güira 89, CC 25-9 blanco, CC 25-9 negro, Tomeguín, Velazco largo y BAT304), en diferentes condiciones: cuatro riegos (sequía) y diez riegos (condiciones óptimas de humedad). Los resultados del índice reproductivo (IR), el índice de susceptibilidad a la sequía (ISS) y la pérdida de rendimiento (PR) permitieron concluir que las variedades más tolerantes a la sequía en las condiciones de experimentación fueron: Tomeguín, BAT 304 y CC 25-9 R, mientras las más susceptibles: Velazco Largo y CC 25-9 negro.
Research was carried out in the period from December 2017 to March 2018 in the "San José" farm, belonging to the Credit and Services Cooperative "El Vaquerito" of Santa Clara municipality, with the objective of recognizing the existing weeds in the common bean crop and its inuence on agricultural yield in intermediate sowing season. e sowing of the cultivar "Milagro Villareño" took place on December 9, 2017, on a moderately washed so Brown soil, in a randomized block design with three treatments and three replications. To determine the composition of the population of weeds, ve samples were taken by the diagonal method. e indices of relative abundance and similarity of the weeds were determined. e harvest was made at 87 days aer sowing, at which time 10 plants were randomly chosen by plot for a total of 30 for treatment, to which were evaluated: effective legumes per plant, effective seeds per legume and effective seeds per plant; as well as the mass of 100 effective seeds per treatments. Agricultural yields were also estimated in each treatment. e population of weeds was represented by 15 species, of which Echinochloa colona (L.) Link. and Portulaca oleraceae L. reached the highest values of relative abundance. e highest agricultural yield was obtained when weed control was applied up to 60 days aer the sowing.


Palabras clave

Index of Relative Abundance, Index of Similarity, Effective Legumes, Effective Seeds


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