Framework and Analysis of Key Performance Indicators in Cuban Higher Education




Andrey Vinajera Zamora; Nurdiana Gauss; Yohandra Rodriguez Martinez

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This article aims to examine how Cuban higher education has implemented and created frameworks for key performance indicators (KPIs) to enhance its higher education accountability and quality. Referring to the past 15 years of available data on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s website (2005–2020), this study shows that Cuba’s higher education system has improved, as indicated by the increasing rate of the gross graduation ratio (both sexes) as well as national and inbound student mobility.


Palabras clave

key performance indicators, Cuban higher education, quality, accountability


Vinajera-Zamora, A., Gaus, N., & Rodríguez-Martínez, Y. (2022). Framework and Analysis of Key Performance Indicators in Cuban Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 15381927221074505.
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