Determinación de asentamientos en cimentaciones superficiales sobre suelos no saturados
Martínez Gallardo, Amanda de la Caridad
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
Las más recientes investigaciones en el campo de la mecánica de suelos han sido
dedicadas al estudio de los suelos en estado de saturación parcial y los distintos
parámetros que modifican sus propiedades. En los suelos parcialmente saturados se
considera que la succión modifica el estado tensional y, por tanto, la curva tensodeformacional
de dichos suelos. En esta investigación se determinan los asentamientos
bajo una cimentación aislada sometida a carga axial centrada, para distintos grados de
saturación y succión del suelo a analizar a través de modelos tridimensionales.
Empleando estos modelos se pretende comprobar la influencia de la succión y de la
permeabilidad en los asentamientos de suelos parcialmente saturados, evaluando la
influencia del coeficiente de permeabilidad en el tiempo de consolidación por métodos
analíticos. Modelándose los casos de estudio en el software Abaqus 2017, el cual utiliza
el método de los elementos finitos en su programación.
Palabras clave: suelos parcialmente saturados, curva tenso-deformacional, succión,
permeabilidad, asentamientos, método de elementos finitos.
The most recent studies in soil mechanics have been dedicated to the study of soils in the partial saturation state and the different parameters that modify its properties. In partially saturated soils is considered that the suction parameter modifies the tensional state and, therefore, the stress-strain curve of these soils. In this research are determined the settlements under a shallow foundation under centered axial loading, for the analyzed soil in different states of saturation and suction, through tridimensional models. Using these models, it is intended to verify the effect suction and permeability has on the settlements of partially saturated soils, evaluating the influence of the permeability coefficient on consolidation time through analytical methods. All case studies are modelled on Abaqus 2017software, which uses the finite element method on its programming. Keywords: partially saturated soils, stress-strain curve, suction, permeability, settlements, finite element method.
The most recent studies in soil mechanics have been dedicated to the study of soils in the partial saturation state and the different parameters that modify its properties. In partially saturated soils is considered that the suction parameter modifies the tensional state and, therefore, the stress-strain curve of these soils. In this research are determined the settlements under a shallow foundation under centered axial loading, for the analyzed soil in different states of saturation and suction, through tridimensional models. Using these models, it is intended to verify the effect suction and permeability has on the settlements of partially saturated soils, evaluating the influence of the permeability coefficient on consolidation time through analytical methods. All case studies are modelled on Abaqus 2017software, which uses the finite element method on its programming. Keywords: partially saturated soils, stress-strain curve, suction, permeability, settlements, finite element method.
Palabras clave
Asentamientos en Cimentaciones Superficiales, Suelos no Saturados, Curva Tenso-Deformacional, Succión, Permeabilidad, Métodos de Elementos Finitos, Suction, Permeability, Finite Element Method