Evaluación y seguimiento de la calidad de áridos de las canteras de Villa Clara
Valdés Triana, Olga Arlett
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
En Cuba los áridos son la materia prima de construcción de menor costo, los mismos ocupan alrededor del 75 % del volumen total del hormigón que se produce y las características que ellos presenten van a repercutir de forma directa en el comportamiento y obtención de hormigones de buena calidad. Este trabajo recoge un estudio de los áridos que son producidos en dos de las cuatro canteras de la provincia de Villa Clara, concretamente de la gravilla, el granito y la arena que se produce en la cantera “El Purio” en el municipio de Encrucijada y de la arena producida en Sergio Soto en Manicaragua. Para la caracterización de los áridos se realizan todo un grupo de ensayos de acuerdo a la NC 251:2013, y posterior a los resultados se procede a la confección de probetas de hormigón empleando cemento P-35 y utilizando el aditivo SikaPlast 9100, esto con la finalidad de valorar el comportamiento real que presentan estos áridos y su repercusión en la obtención de hormigones de altas resistencias. Se toman las muestras en la zona de almacenamiento y en la cinta transportadora, esto con la finalidad de evaluar el proceso tecnológico y su efecto en el producto final. Este estudio revela la influencia de los procesos de producción en las canteras estudiadas sobre las características físico químicas en los áridos y su acción sobre los hormigones fluidos de más de 35 MPa.
In Cuba the aggregates are the raw material of construction of lower cost, they occupy around 75% of the total volume of the concretes that are produced and the characteristics they present in the future will have a direct repercussion in the performance and obtainment of good quality concretes. This work includes a study of the aggregates that are produced in two of the four quarries in the province of Villa Clara, specifically the gravel, granite and sand that are produced in the quarry "El Purio" in the municipality of Encrucijada and sand produced in Sergio Soto in the municipality of Manicaragua. For the characterization of the aggregates, it has realized a group of tests according to NC 251: 2013, and subsequently in the results was proceeded in the elaboration of concrete test pipe using cement P-35 and the SikaPlast 9100 additive, all this with the purpose of evaluating the real performance that present these aggregates and its repercussion in the obtaining of high resistance concretes. Samples were taken in the storage area and on the conveyor belt, in order to evaluate the technological process and its effect on the final product. This study revealed the influence of the production processes in the studied quarries on the physical and chemical characteristics on fluid concretes of more than 35 MPa.
In Cuba the aggregates are the raw material of construction of lower cost, they occupy around 75% of the total volume of the concretes that are produced and the characteristics they present in the future will have a direct repercussion in the performance and obtainment of good quality concretes. This work includes a study of the aggregates that are produced in two of the four quarries in the province of Villa Clara, specifically the gravel, granite and sand that are produced in the quarry "El Purio" in the municipality of Encrucijada and sand produced in Sergio Soto in the municipality of Manicaragua. For the characterization of the aggregates, it has realized a group of tests according to NC 251: 2013, and subsequently in the results was proceeded in the elaboration of concrete test pipe using cement P-35 and the SikaPlast 9100 additive, all this with the purpose of evaluating the real performance that present these aggregates and its repercussion in the obtaining of high resistance concretes. Samples were taken in the storage area and on the conveyor belt, in order to evaluate the technological process and its effect on the final product. This study revealed the influence of the production processes in the studied quarries on the physical and chemical characteristics on fluid concretes of more than 35 MPa.
Palabras clave
Áridos, Hormigones, Altas resistencias, Aggregates, Concrete, High resistance